Font Card

Scripts (most covered):
Latin (37.8%)


Specimen for Cabin Regular (Latin script).

Software Package Information

Name:google-cabin-fonts1 Click Install
Description:The Cabin font family is a humanist sans with 4 weights and true italics, inspired by Edward Johnston?s and Eric Gill?s typefaces, with a touch of modernism. Cabin incorporates modern proportions, optical adjustments, and some elements of the geometric sans. It remains true to its roots, but has its own personality. The weight distribution is almost monotone, although top and bottom curves are slightly thin. Counters of the b, g, p and q are rounded and optically adjusted. The curved stem endings have a 10 degree angle. E and F have shorter center arms. M is splashed. Designer: Pablo Impallari

Shape and Spacing

Weight:regular (80)
Width:normal (100)
TrueType Tables:

Rendering Algorithms

Force autohint:no
Hintstyle:hintslight (1)
Subpixel layout:rgb
LCD filter:lcddefault
Available Bitmap Strikes:none

Supported Languages

| aa | af | an | ast | ay | az-az |
| bi | bin | br | bs |
| ca | ch | co | crh | cs | csb | cy |
| da | de |
| en | eo | es | et | eu |
| fi | fil | fj | fo | fr | fur | fy |
| gd | gl | gn | gv |
| haw | ho | hr | hsb | ht | hu |
| ia | id | ie | ig | io | is | it |
| jv |
| ki | kj | kl | ku-tr | kw | kwm |
| la | lb | lg | li | lt | lv |
| mg | mh | ms | mt |
| na | nb | nds | ng | nl | nn | no | nr | nso | nv | ny |
| oc | om |
| pap-an | pap-aw | pl | pt |
| qu | quz |
| rm | rn | ro | rw |
| sc | se | sg | sk | sl | sm | sma | smj | smn | sn | so | sq | ss | st | su | sv | sw |
| tk | tl | tn | to | tr | ts | ty |
| uz |
| vi | vo | vot |
| wa | wen | wo |
| xh |
| yap |
| za | zu |

Character Set

[+] Basic Latin (U+00000 - U+0007F)
[+] Latin-1 Supplement (U+00080 - U+000FF)
[+] Latin Extended-A (U+00100 - U+0017F)
[+] Latin Extended-B (U+00180 - U+0024F)
[+] IPA Extensions (U+00250 - U+002AF)
[+] Spacing Modifier Letters (U+002B0 - U+002FF)
[+] Combining Diacritical Marks (U+00300 - U+0036F)
[+] Greek and Coptic (U+00370 - U+003FF)
[+] Latin Extended Additional (U+01E00 - U+01EFF)
[+] General Punctuation (U+02000 - U+0206F)
[+] Superscripts and Subscripts (U+02070 - U+0209F)
[+] Currency Symbols (U+020A0 - U+020CF)
[+] Letterlike Symbols (U+02100 - U+0214F)
[+] Mathematical Operators (U+02200 - U+022FF)
[+] Geometric Shapes (U+025A0 - U+025FF)