Font Card

Scripts (most covered):
Bopomofo (100.0%)
Braille (100.0%)
Carian (100.0%)
Gothic (100.0%)
Hiragana (100.0%)
Katakana (100.0%)
Latin (100.0%)
Lisu (100.0%)
Lycian (100.0%)
Lydian (100.0%)
Ogham (100.0%)
Old Italic (100.0%)
Old South Arabian (100.0%)
Old Turkic (100.0%)
Runic (100.0%)
Tifinagh (100.0%)
Cyrillic (88.7%)
Armenian (75.0%)
Thai (72.4%)
Greek (70.0%)
Cherokee (46.4%)
Han (42.0%)
Math (collection) (25.8%)
Glagolitic (22.8%)
Ugaritic (17.2%)
Georgian (16.1%)
Sundanese (12.1%)
Phoenician (11.5%)
Coptic (6.2%)


Specimen for HanaMinA Regular (Bopomofo script).

Software Package Information

Name:hanazono-hanamin-fonts1 Click Install
License:SUSE-mplus or OFL-1.1
Description:This font is a free kanji font. The KAGE system, Clipper, FontForge and TTX are used to create this font. All glyphs in this font are from GlyphWiki. This font contains about 107,518 characters (and spaces) defined in ISO/IEC 10646 standard / the Unicode standard.

Shape and Spacing

Weight:medium (100)
Width:normal (100)
TrueType Tables:
BASEcmapcvt fpgmgasp

Rendering Algorithms

Force autohint:yes
Hintstyle:hintslight (1)
Subpixel layout:rgb
LCD filter:lcddefault
Available Bitmap Strikes:none

Supported Languages

| aa | ab | af | an | ast | av | ay | az-az |
| ba | be | ber-dz | ber-ma | bg | bi | bm | br | bs | bua |
| ca | ce | ch | chm | co | crh | cs | csb | cu | cv | cy |
| da | de |
| el | en | eo | es | et | eu |
| ff | fi | fil | fj | fo | fr | fur | fy |
| ga | gd | gl | gn | gv |
| ha | haw | ho | hr | hsb | ht | hu |
| ia | id | ie | ig | ik | io | is | it |
| ja | jv |
| kaa | kab | ki | kj | kk | kl | kr | ku-am | ku-tr | kum | kv | kw | kwm | ky |
| la | lb | lez | lg | li | lt | lv |
| mg | mh | mi | mk | mn-mn | mo | ms | mt |
| na | nb | nds | ng | nl | nn | no | nr | nso | ny |
| oc | om | os |
| pap-an | pap-aw | pl | pt |
| qu | quz |
| rm | rn | ro | ru | rw |
| sah | sc | sco | se | sel | sg | sh | sk | sl | sm | sma | smj | smn | sms | sn | so | sq | sr | ss | st | su | sv | sw |
| tg | tk | tl | tn | to | tr | ts | tt | ty | tyv |
| uk | uz |
| ve | vo | vot |
| wa | wen | wo |
| xh |
| yap |
| za | zh-hk | zh-mo | zh-sg | zh-tw | zu |

Character Set

[+] Basic Latin (U+00000 - U+0007F)
[+] Latin-1 Supplement (U+00080 - U+000FF)
[+] Latin Extended-A (U+00100 - U+0017F)
[+] Latin Extended-B (U+00180 - U+0024F)
[+] IPA Extensions (U+00250 - U+002AF)
[+] Spacing Modifier Letters (U+002B0 - U+002FF)
[+] Combining Diacritical Marks (U+00300 - U+0036F)
[+] Greek and Coptic (U+00370 - U+003FF)
[+] Cyrillic (U+00400 - U+004FF)
[+] Cyrillic Supplement (U+00500 - U+0052F)
[+] Armenian (U+00530 - U+0058F)
[+] Hebrew (U+00590 - U+005FF)
[+] Thai (U+00E00 - U+00E7F)
[+] Georgian (U+010A0 - U+010FF)
[+] Hangul Jamo (U+01100 - U+011FF)
[+] Cherokee (U+013A0 - U+013FF)
[+] Ogham (U+01680 - U+0169F)
[+] Runic (U+016A0 - U+016FF)
[+] Sundanese Supplement (U+01CC0 - U+01CCF)
[+] Phonetic Extensions (U+01D00 - U+01D7F)
[+] Phonetic Extensions Supplement (U+01D80 - U+01DBF)
[+] Latin Extended Additional (U+01E00 - U+01EFF)
[+] Greek Extended (U+01F00 - U+01FFF)
[+] General Punctuation (U+02000 - U+0206F)
[+] Superscripts and Subscripts (U+02070 - U+0209F)
[+] Currency Symbols (U+020A0 - U+020CF)
[+] Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols (U+020D0 - U+020FF)
[+] Letterlike Symbols (U+02100 - U+0214F)
[+] Number Forms (U+02150 - U+0218F)
[+] Arrows (U+02190 - U+021FF)
[+] Mathematical Operators (U+02200 - U+022FF)
[+] Miscellaneous Technical (U+02300 - U+023FF)
[+] Control Pictures (U+02400 - U+0243F)
[+] Optical Character Recognition (U+02440 - U+0245F)
[+] Enclosed Alphanumerics (U+02460 - U+024FF)
[+] Box Drawing (U+02500 - U+0257F)
[+] Block Elements (U+02580 - U+0259F)
[+] Geometric Shapes (U+025A0 - U+025FF)
[+] Miscellaneous Symbols (U+02600 - U+026FF)
[+] Dingbats (U+02700 - U+027BF)
[+] Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A (U+027C0 - U+027EF)
[+] Supplemental Arrows-A (U+027F0 - U+027FF)
[+] Braille Patterns (U+02800 - U+028FF)
[+] Supplemental Arrows-B (U+02900 - U+0297F)
[+] Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B (U+02980 - U+029FF)
[+] Supplemental Mathematical Operators (U+02A00 - U+02AFF)
[+] Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows (U+02B00 - U+02BFF)
[+] Glagolitic (U+02C00 - U+02C5F)
[+] Latin Extended-C (U+02C60 - U+02C7F)
[+] Coptic (U+02C80 - U+02CFF)
[+] Tifinagh (U+02D30 - U+02D7F)
[+] Supplemental Punctuation (U+02E00 - U+02E7F)
[+] CJK Radicals Supplement (U+02E80 - U+02EFF)
[+] Kangxi Radicals (U+02F00 - U+02FDF)
[+] Ideographic Description Characters (U+02FF0 - U+02FFF)
[+] CJK Symbols and Punctuation (U+03000 - U+0303F)
[+] Hiragana (U+03040 - U+0309F)
[+] Katakana (U+030A0 - U+030FF)
[+] Bopomofo (U+03100 - U+0312F)
[+] Hangul Compatibility Jamo (U+03130 - U+0318F)
[+] Kanbun (U+03190 - U+0319F)
[+] Bopomofo Extended (U+031A0 - U+031BF)
[+] CJK Strokes (U+031C0 - U+031EF)
[+] Katakana Phonetic Extensions (U+031F0 - U+031FF)
[+] Enclosed CJK Letters and Months (U+03200 - U+032FF)
[+] CJK Compatibility (U+03300 - U+033FF)
[+] CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A (U+03400 - U+04DBF)
[+] Yijing Hexagram Symbols (U+04DC0 - U+04DFF)
[+] CJK Unified Ideographs (U+04E00 - U+09FFF)
[+] Yi Syllables (U+0A000 - U+0A48F)
[+] Yi Radicals (U+0A490 - U+0A4CF)
[+] Lisu (U+0A4D0 - U+0A4FF)
[+] Cyrillic Extended-B (U+0A640 - U+0A69F)
[+] Modifier Tone Letters (U+0A700 - U+0A71F)
[+] Latin Extended-D (U+0A720 - U+0A7FF)
[+] Hangul Jamo Extended-A (U+0A960 - U+0A97F)
[+] Hangul Jamo Extended-B (U+0D7B0 - U+0D7FF)
[+] Private Use Area (U+0E000 - U+0F8FF)
[+] CJK Compatibility Ideographs (U+0F900 - U+0FAFF)
[+] Alphabetic Presentation Forms (U+0FB00 - U+0FB4F)
[+] Variation Selectors (U+0FE00 - U+0FE0F)
[+] Vertical Forms (U+0FE10 - U+0FE1F)
[+] CJK Compatibility Forms (U+0FE30 - U+0FE4F)
[+] Small Form Variants (U+0FE50 - U+0FE6F)
[+] Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (U+0FF00 - U+0FFEF)
[+] Specials (U+0FFF0 - U+0FFFF)
[+] Linear B Syllabary (U+10000 - U+1007F)
[+] Ancient Symbols (U+10190 - U+101CF)
[+] Lycian (U+10280 - U+1029F)
[+] Carian (U+102A0 - U+102DF)
[+] Old Italic (U+10300 - U+1032F)
[+] Gothic (U+10330 - U+1034F)
[+] Ugaritic (U+10380 - U+1039F)
[+] Phoenician (U+10900 - U+1091F)
[+] Lydian (U+10920 - U+1093F)
[+] Old South Arabian (U+10A60 - U+10A7F)
[+] Old Turkic (U+10C00 - U+10C4F)
[+] Rumi Numeral Symbols (U+10E60 - U+10E7F)
[+] Kana Supplement (U+1B000 - U+1B0FF)
[+] Musical Symbols (U+1D100 - U+1D1FF)
[+] Tai Xuan Jing Symbols (U+1D300 - U+1D35F)
[+] Counting Rod Numerals (U+1D360 - U+1D37F)
[+] Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (U+1D400 - U+1D7FF)
[+] Mahjong Tiles (U+1F000 - U+1F02F)
[+] Domino Tiles (U+1F030 - U+1F09F)
[+] Playing Cards (U+1F0A0 - U+1F0FF)
[+] Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement (U+1F100 - U+1F1FF)
[+] Enclosed Ideographic Supplement (U+1F200 - U+1F2FF)
[+] Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs (U+1F300 - U+1F5FF)
[+] Emoticons (U+1F600 - U+1F64F)
[+] Transport And Map Symbols (U+1F680 - U+1F6FF)
[+] Alchemical Symbols (U+1F700 - U+1F77F)
[+] CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B (U+20000 - U+2A6DF)
[+] CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C (U+2A700 - U+2B73F)
[+] CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D (U+2B740 - U+2B81F)
[+] CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement (U+2F800 - U+2FA1F)