Font Card

Family:Alegreya Sans
Scripts (most covered):
Greek (60.7%)
Cyrillic (46.7%)
Latin (40.8%)


Specimen for Alegreya Sans Medium (Greek script).

Software Package Information

Name:google-alegreya-sans-fonts1 Click Install
Description:Alegreya Sans is a humanist sans serif family with a calligraphic feeling that conveys a dynamic and varied rhythm. This gives a pleasant feeling to readers of long texts. The family follows humanist proportions and principles, just like the serif version of the family, Alegreya. It achieves a ludic and harmonious paragraph through elements carefully designed in an atmosphere of diversity. The italics bring a strong emphasis to the roman styles, and each have seven weights to bring you a wide typographic palette. Alegreya Sans supports expert latin, greek and cyrillic character sets and provides advanced typography OpenType features such as small caps, dynamic ligatures and fractions, four set of figures, super and subscript characters, ordinals, localized accent forms for spanish, catalan, guaran�, dutch, turkish, romanian, serbian among others. The Alegreya type system is a ?super family?, originally intended for literature, and includes sans and serif sister families.

Shape and Spacing

Weight:medium (100)
Width:normal (100)
TrueType Tables:

Rendering Algorithms

Force autohint:no
Hintstyle:hintslight (1)
Subpixel layout:rgb
LCD filter:lcddefault
Available Bitmap Strikes:none

Supported Languages

| aa | an | ast | av | ay | az-az |
| ba | be | bg | bi | bin | br | bs | bua |
| ca | ce | ch | chm | co | crh | cs | csb | cv | cy |
| da | de |
| el | en | eo | es | et | eu |
| fi | fil | fj | fo | fr | fur | fy |
| gd | gl | gn | gv |
| haw | ho | hr | hsb | ht | hu |
| ia | id | ie | ig | ik | io | is | it |
| jv |
| kaa | ki | kj | kk | kl | ku-am | ku-tr | kum | kv | kw | kwm | ky |
| la | lb | lez | lg | li | lt | lv |
| mg | mh | mk | mn-mn | mo | ms | mt |
| na | nb | nds | ng | nl | nn | no | nr | nso | nv | ny |
| oc | om | os |
| pap-an | pap-aw | pl | pt |
| qu | quz |
| rm | rn | ro | ru | rw |
| sah | sc | se | sel | sg | sh | sk | sl | sm | sma | smj | smn | sms | sn | so | sq | sr | ss | st | su | sv | sw |
| tg | tk | tl | tn | to | tr | ts | tt | ty | tyv |
| uk | uz |
| vi | vo | vot |
| wa | wen | wo |
| xh |
| yap |
| za | zu |

Character Set

[+] Basic Latin (U+00000 - U+0007F)
[+] Latin-1 Supplement (U+00080 - U+000FF)
[+] Latin Extended-A (U+00100 - U+0017F)
[+] Latin Extended-B (U+00180 - U+0024F)
[+] IPA Extensions (U+00250 - U+002AF)
[+] Spacing Modifier Letters (U+002B0 - U+002FF)
[+] Combining Diacritical Marks (U+00300 - U+0036F)
[+] Greek and Coptic (U+00370 - U+003FF)
[+] Cyrillic (U+00400 - U+004FF)
[+] Cyrillic Supplement (U+00500 - U+0052F)
[+] Latin Extended Additional (U+01E00 - U+01EFF)
[+] Greek Extended (U+01F00 - U+01FFF)
[+] General Punctuation (U+02000 - U+0206F)
[+] Superscripts and Subscripts (U+02070 - U+0209F)
[+] Currency Symbols (U+020A0 - U+020CF)
[+] Letterlike Symbols (U+02100 - U+0214F)
[+] Number Forms (U+02150 - U+0218F)
[+] Arrows (U+02190 - U+021FF)
[+] Mathematical Operators (U+02200 - U+022FF)
[+] Geometric Shapes (U+025A0 - U+025FF)
[+] Miscellaneous Symbols (U+02600 - U+026FF)
[+] Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A (U+027C0 - U+027EF)
[+] Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows (U+02B00 - U+02BFF)
[+] Latin Extended-D (U+0A720 - U+0A7FF)
[+] Alphabetic Presentation Forms (U+0FB00 - U+0FB4F)