Font Card

Family:AR PL UMing TW MBE
Scripts (most covered):
Hiragana (98.8%)
Bopomofo (97.0%)
Latin (55.0%)
Katakana (41.9%)
Han (29.1%)
Cyrillic (16.6%)
Greek (10.4%)


Specimen for AR PL UMing TW MBE Light (Hiragana script).

Software Package Information

Name:arphic-uming-fonts1 Click Install
Description:This font was taken from the from the TrueType fonts generously released by Arphic Technologies Taiwan under the Arphic Public License. It was modified with Fontforge by Arne Goetje to contain both Big5 and GB2312 charsets plus some european characters. Currently it fully supports the following charsets: ISO8859-1,2,3,4,9,10,13,14,15 Big5 GB2312-80 HKSCS 2004 Bopomofo Extensions for Hakka, Minnan (Unicode 4.0) and MBE variants using the Alternatives (aalt) feature from the OTF spec. Partly support is implemented for: CNS 11643 GB18030 Japanese Korean

Shape and Spacing

Weight:light (50)
Width:normal (100)
TrueType Tables:

Rendering Algorithms

Force autohint:yes
Hintstyle:hintslight (1)
Subpixel layout:rgb
LCD filter:lcddefault
Available Bitmap Strikes:6x11 6x12 7x13 7x14 8x15 8x16
Use Embedded Bitmaps:yes

Supported Languages

| aa | af | an | ast | ay |
| bg | bi | bin | br | bs |
| ca | ch | co | crh | cs | csb | cy |
| da | de |
| en | eo | es | et | eu |
| fi | fil | fj | fo | fr | fur | fy |
| ga | gd | gl | gn | gv |
| ho | hr | hsb | ht | hu | hz |
| ia | id | ie | ig | io | is | it |
| jv |
| ki | kj | kl | ku-tr | kum | kw | kwm |
| la | lb | lg | li | lt | lv |
| mg | mh | mi | mo | ms | mt |
| na | nb | nds | ng | nl | nn | no | nr | nso | nv | ny |
| oc | om | os |
| pap-an | pap-aw | pl | pt |
| qu | quz |
| rm | rn | ro | ru | rw |
| sc | se | sel | sg | shs | sk | sl | sma | smj | smn | sn | so | sq | ss | st | su | sv | sw |
| tk | tl | tn | tr | ts | ty |
| uz |
| ve | vi | vo | vot |
| wa | wen | wo |
| xh |
| yap | yo |
| za | zh-cn | zh-hk | zh-mo | zh-sg | zh-tw | zu |

Character Set

[+] Basic Latin (U+00000 - U+0007F)
[+] Latin-1 Supplement (U+00080 - U+000FF)
[+] Latin Extended-A (U+00100 - U+0017F)
[+] Latin Extended-B (U+00180 - U+0024F)
[+] IPA Extensions (U+00250 - U+002AF)
[+] Spacing Modifier Letters (U+002B0 - U+002FF)
[+] Combining Diacritical Marks (U+00300 - U+0036F)
[+] Greek and Coptic (U+00370 - U+003FF)
[+] Cyrillic (U+00400 - U+004FF)
[+] Latin Extended Additional (U+01E00 - U+01EFF)
[+] General Punctuation (U+02000 - U+0206F)
[+] Superscripts and Subscripts (U+02070 - U+0209F)
[+] Currency Symbols (U+020A0 - U+020CF)
[+] Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols (U+020D0 - U+020FF)
[+] Letterlike Symbols (U+02100 - U+0214F)
[+] Number Forms (U+02150 - U+0218F)
[+] Arrows (U+02190 - U+021FF)
[+] Mathematical Operators (U+02200 - U+022FF)
[+] Miscellaneous Technical (U+02300 - U+023FF)
[+] Control Pictures (U+02400 - U+0243F)
[+] Enclosed Alphanumerics (U+02460 - U+024FF)
[+] Box Drawing (U+02500 - U+0257F)
[+] Block Elements (U+02580 - U+0259F)
[+] Geometric Shapes (U+025A0 - U+025FF)
[+] Miscellaneous Symbols (U+02600 - U+026FF)
[+] Dingbats (U+02700 - U+027BF)
[+] CJK Radicals Supplement (U+02E80 - U+02EFF)
[+] Kangxi Radicals (U+02F00 - U+02FDF)
[+] Ideographic Description Characters (U+02FF0 - U+02FFF)
[+] CJK Symbols and Punctuation (U+03000 - U+0303F)
[+] Hiragana (U+03040 - U+0309F)
[+] Katakana (U+030A0 - U+030FF)
[+] Bopomofo (U+03100 - U+0312F)
[+] Bopomofo Extended (U+031A0 - U+031BF)
[+] CJK Strokes (U+031C0 - U+031EF)
[+] Enclosed CJK Letters and Months (U+03200 - U+032FF)
[+] CJK Compatibility (U+03300 - U+033FF)
[+] CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A (U+03400 - U+04DBF)