Font Card

Family:Kurinto Plot
Scripts (most covered):
Armenian (100.0%)
Balinese (100.0%)
Bamum (100.0%)
Batak (100.0%)
Braille (100.0%)
Buginese (100.0%)
Buhid (100.0%)
Canadian Aboriginal (100.0%)
Chakma (100.0%)
Cham (100.0%)
Cherokee (100.0%)
Deseret (100.0%)
Devanagari (100.0%)
Ethiopic (100.0%)
Georgian (100.0%)
Gujarati (100.0%)
Gurmukhi (100.0%)
Hanunoo (100.0%)
Hiragana (100.0%)
Javanese (100.0%)
Kannada (100.0%)
Katakana (100.0%)
Lao (100.0%)
Lepcha (100.0%)
Limbu (100.0%)
Lisu (100.0%)
Malayalam (100.0%)
Mandaic (100.0%)
Meetei Mayek (100.0%)
Miao (100.0%)
Mongolian (100.0%)
New Tai Lue (100.0%)


Specimen for Kurinto Plot Regular (Armenian script).

Software Package Information

Name:kurinto-plot-fonts1 Click Install
Description: Kurinto is a large collection of free fonts that include most of the characters in every human language. Academic publishing is an ideal use, especially if you use Microsoft Word to publish PDF documents or include text in non-European languages. Kurinto fonts address many publishing pitfalls: costly fonts with publishing restrictions, irregular line heights, random font changes, enormous PDF file sizes, missing characters, spurious layout changes, and font format incompatibility. These roadblocks prevent many authors from creating presentable (or even usable) PDF files. Kurinto helps authors publish their work without studying font technology or using advanced typographic techniques. This package contains the Kurinto Plot typeface. An ultra-thin design that emulates the trace of a plotter pen.

Shape and Spacing

Weight:regular (80)
Width:normal (100)
TrueType Tables:

Rendering Algorithms

Force autohint:yes
Hintstyle:hintslight (1)
Subpixel layout:rgb
LCD filter:lcddefault
Available Bitmap Strikes:none

Supported Languages

| aa | ab | af | am | an | ar | as | ast | av | ay | az-az | az-ir |
| ba | be | ber-dz | ber-ma | bg | bh | bho | bi | bm | bn | br | brx | bs | bua | byn |
| ca | ce | ch | chm | chr | co | crh | cs | csb | cu | cv | cy |
| da | de | doi | dv |
| el | en | eo | es | et | eu |
| fa | ff | fi | fil | fj | fo | fr | fur | fy |
| ga | gd | gez | gl | gn | gu | gv |
| ha | haw | hi | hne | ho | hr | hsb | ht | hu | hy |
| ia | id | ie | ig | ii | ik | io | is | it | iu |
| jv |
| ka | kaa | kab | ki | kj | kk | kl | kn | kok | kr | ks | ku-am | ku-iq | ku-ir | ku-tr | kum | kv | kw | kwm | ky |
| la | lah | lb | lez | lg | li | lo | lt | lv |
| mai | mg | mh | mk | ml | mn-cn | mn-mn | mni | mo | mr | ms | mt |
| na | nb | nds | ne | ng | nl | nn | no | nqo | nr | nso | ny |
| oc | om | or | os | ota |
| pa | pa-pk | pap-an | pap-aw | pl | ps-af | ps-pk | pt |
| rm | rn | ro | ru | rw |
| sa | sah | sat | sc | sco | sd | se | sel | sg | sh | si | sid | sk | sl | sm | sma | smj | smn | sms | sn | so | sq | sr | ss | st | su | sv | sw | syr |
| ta | te | tg | th | ti-er | ti-et | tig | tk | tl | tn | to | tr | ts | tt | ty | tyv |
| ug | uk | ur | uz |
| ve | vo | vot |
| wa | wal | wen | wo |
| xh |
| yap |
| za | zu |

Character Set

[+] Basic Latin (U+00000 - U+0007F)
[+] Latin-1 Supplement (U+00080 - U+000FF)
[+] Latin Extended-A (U+00100 - U+0017F)
[+] Latin Extended-B (U+00180 - U+0024F)
[+] IPA Extensions (U+00250 - U+002AF)
[+] Spacing Modifier Letters (U+002B0 - U+002FF)
[+] Combining Diacritical Marks (U+00300 - U+0036F)
[+] Greek and Coptic (U+00370 - U+003FF)
[+] Cyrillic (U+00400 - U+004FF)
[+] Cyrillic Supplement (U+00500 - U+0052F)
[+] Armenian (U+00530 - U+0058F)
[+] Arabic (U+00600 - U+006FF)
[+] Syriac (U+00700 - U+0074F)
[+] Arabic Supplement (U+00750 - U+0077F)
[+] Thaana (U+00780 - U+007BF)
[+] NKo (U+007C0 - U+007FF)
[+] Samaritan (U+00800 - U+0083F)
[+] Mandaic (U+00840 - U+0085F)
[+] Arabic Extended-A (U+008A0 - U+008FF)
[+] Devanagari (U+00900 - U+0097F)
[+] Bengali (U+00980 - U+009FF)
[+] Gurmukhi (U+00A00 - U+00A7F)
[+] Gujarati (U+00A80 - U+00AFF)
[+] Oriya (U+00B00 - U+00B7F)
[+] Tamil (U+00B80 - U+00BFF)
[+] Telugu (U+00C00 - U+00C7F)
[+] Kannada (U+00C80 - U+00CFF)
[+] Malayalam (U+00D00 - U+00D7F)
[+] Sinhala (U+00D80 - U+00DFF)
[+] Thai (U+00E00 - U+00E7F)
[+] Lao (U+00E80 - U+00EFF)
[+] Tibetan (U+00F00 - U+00FFF)
[+] Georgian (U+010A0 - U+010FF)
[+] Ethiopic (U+01200 - U+0137F)
[+] Ethiopic Supplement (U+01380 - U+0139F)
[+] Cherokee (U+013A0 - U+013FF)
[+] Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics (U+01400 - U+0167F)
[+] Hanunoo (U+01720 - U+0173F)
[+] Buhid (U+01740 - U+0175F)
[+] Tagbanwa (U+01760 - U+0177F)
[+] Mongolian (U+01800 - U+018AF)
[+] Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended (U+018B0 - U+018FF)
[+] Limbu (U+01900 - U+0194F)
[+] Tai Le (U+01950 - U+0197F)
[+] New Tai Lue (U+01980 - U+019DF)
[+] Buginese (U+01A00 - U+01A1F)
[+] Tai Tham (U+01A20 - U+01AAF)
[+] Balinese (U+01B00 - U+01B7F)
[+] Sundanese (U+01B80 - U+01BBF)
[+] Batak (U+01BC0 - U+01BFF)
[+] Lepcha (U+01C00 - U+01C4F)
[+] Ol Chiki (U+01C50 - U+01C7F)
[+] Sundanese Supplement (U+01CC0 - U+01CCF)
[+] Vedic Extensions (U+01CD0 - U+01CFF)
[+] Latin Extended Additional (U+01E00 - U+01EFF)
[+] Greek Extended (U+01F00 - U+01FFF)
[+] General Punctuation (U+02000 - U+0206F)
[+] Superscripts and Subscripts (U+02070 - U+0209F)
[+] Currency Symbols (U+020A0 - U+020CF)
[+] Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols (U+020D0 - U+020FF)
[+] Letterlike Symbols (U+02100 - U+0214F)
[+] Number Forms (U+02150 - U+0218F)
[+] Arrows (U+02190 - U+021FF)
[+] Mathematical Operators (U+02200 - U+022FF)
[+] Miscellaneous Technical (U+02300 - U+023FF)
[+] Control Pictures (U+02400 - U+0243F)
[+] Optical Character Recognition (U+02440 - U+0245F)
[+] Enclosed Alphanumerics (U+02460 - U+024FF)
[+] Box Drawing (U+02500 - U+0257F)
[+] Block Elements (U+02580 - U+0259F)
[+] Geometric Shapes (U+025A0 - U+025FF)
[+] Miscellaneous Symbols (U+02600 - U+026FF)
[+] Dingbats (U+02700 - U+027BF)
[+] Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A (U+027C0 - U+027EF)
[+] Supplemental Arrows-A (U+027F0 - U+027FF)
[+] Braille Patterns (U+02800 - U+028FF)
[+] Supplemental Arrows-B (U+02900 - U+0297F)
[+] Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B (U+02980 - U+029FF)
[+] Supplemental Mathematical Operators (U+02A00 - U+02AFF)
[+] Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows (U+02B00 - U+02BFF)
[+] Georgian Supplement (U+02D00 - U+02D2F)
[+] Tifinagh (U+02D30 - U+02D7F)
[+] Ethiopic Extended (U+02D80 - U+02DDF)
[+] Hiragana (U+03040 - U+0309F)
[+] Katakana (U+030A0 - U+030FF)
[+] Katakana Phonetic Extensions (U+031F0 - U+031FF)
[+] Enclosed CJK Letters and Months (U+03200 - U+032FF)
[+] CJK Compatibility (U+03300 - U+033FF)
[+] Yi Syllables (U+0A000 - U+0A48F)
[+] Yi Radicals (U+0A490 - U+0A4CF)
[+] Lisu (U+0A4D0 - U+0A4FF)
[+] Vai (U+0A500 - U+0A63F)
[+] Bamum (U+0A6A0 - U+0A6FF)
[+] Syloti Nagri (U+0A800 - U+0A82F)
[+] Common Indic Number Forms (U+0A830 - U+0A83F)
[+] Saurashtra (U+0A880 - U+0A8DF)
[+] Devanagari Extended (U+0A8E0 - U+0A8FF)
[+] Kayah Li (U+0A900 - U+0A92F)
[+] Rejang (U+0A930 - U+0A95F)
[+] Javanese (U+0A980 - U+0A9DF)
[+] Cham (U+0AA00 - U+0AA5F)
[+] Tai Viet (U+0AA80 - U+0AADF)
[+] Meetei Mayek Extensions (U+0AAE0 - U+0AAFF)
[+] Ethiopic Extended-A (U+0AB00 - U+0AB2F)
[+] Meetei Mayek (U+0ABC0 - U+0ABFF)
[+] Private Use Area (U+0E000 - U+0F8FF)
[+] Alphabetic Presentation Forms (U+0FB00 - U+0FB4F)
[+] Arabic Presentation Forms-A (U+0FB50 - U+0FDFF)
[+] Variation Selectors (U+0FE00 - U+0FE0F)
[+] Arabic Presentation Forms-B (U+0FE70 - U+0FEFF)
[+] Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (U+0FF00 - U+0FFEF)
[+] Specials (U+0FFF0 - U+0FFFF)
[+] Deseret (U+10400 - U+1044F)
[+] Shavian (U+10450 - U+1047F)
[+] Osmanya (U+10480 - U+104AF)
[+] Sora Sompeng (U+110D0 - U+110FF)
[+] Chakma (U+11100 - U+1114F)
[+] Sharada (U+11180 - U+111DF)
[+] Takri (U+11680 - U+116CF)
[+] Bamum Supplement (U+16800 - U+16A3F)
[+] Miao (U+16F00 - U+16F9F)
[+] Kana Supplement (U+1B000 - U+1B0FF)
[+] Musical Symbols (U+1D100 - U+1D1FF)
[+] Ancient Greek Musical Notation (U+1D200 - U+1D24F)
[+] Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (U+1D400 - U+1D7FF)
[+] Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement (U+1F100 - U+1F1FF)
[+] Enclosed Ideographic Supplement (U+1F200 - U+1F2FF)
[+] Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs (U+1F300 - U+1F5FF)
[+] Supplementary Private Use Area-B (U+100000 - U+10FFFF)